Coded Logic
JoinedPosts by Coded Logic
Star Trek: TSG - Careful what you watch
by Coded Logic indear brothers and sisters,.
it has come to our attention that many of you enjoy watching star trek.
while there is nothing wrong with a modest amount of entertainment in our lives we need to make sure the shows we are bringing into our households meet god's standards.
Star Trek: TSG - Careful what you watch
by Coded Logic indear brothers and sisters,.
it has come to our attention that many of you enjoy watching star trek.
while there is nothing wrong with a modest amount of entertainment in our lives we need to make sure the shows we are bringing into our households meet god's standards.
Coded Logic
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
It has come to our attention that many of you enjoy watching Star Trek. While there is nothing wrong with a modest amount of entertainment in our lives we need to make sure the shows we are bringing into our households meet God's standards. Much of the content that has been created for the Star Trek universe is, of course, a conscious matter. However, we caution you Brothers and Sisters that the show Star Trek: The Next Generation is not suitable viewing material for faithful witnesses as it directly contradicts the promise Jesus gave us in Matthew 24.
Jesus said that "this generation will by no means pass away" before the time of the end. However, the writers of Star Trek TNG have shown a blatant disregard for this promise. For example, both Dr. McCoy and Commander Spock lived until the time of the crew of the Enterprise D was formed.
Also, Captain Kirk survived into the twenty-fourth century via the Nexus and Engineer Scott was also able to make it by jury-rigging a transporter to maintain his pattern buffer until he was rescued.
Clearly, this show is not Star Trek: The Next Generation - because the "generations" overlap. Rather, this show should have been titled Star Trek: The Same Generation. As Jehovah's loyal followers, we should want to stay away from some such debase and worldly thinking that undermines Jesus generational promise. Let us remain faithful by removing this show from our Netflix ques and throwing out the seriously overpriced (yet amazingly remastered) Blu-Rays we bought.Sincerely,
The Governing Borg
A Sincere Question Regarding Macroevolution
by jacobm ini have a sincere question related to macroevolution:.
microevolution happens on a small scale (within a single population), while macroevolution happens on a scale that transcends the boundaries of a single species.
despite their differences, evolution at both of these levels relies on the same, established mechanisms of evolutionary change:.
Coded Logic
Was just looking at that JM. Probably because the page is written by a librarian and not a proper academic. The only scientific paper I can find that uses the term "macro-evolution" is this one:
But as it was originally written in German the word is more likely an issue of translation than actual scientific usage.
None the less, I don't care about the "properness" of a word. What I care about is what you mean when you use the word - which is why the very first thing I asked you was "what would you consider to be "macroevolution" and what would you consider as being a "jump" or "transcendent"?"
If you have a definition you find useful please provide it and I will do my best to answer your question :)
A Sincere Question Regarding Macroevolution
by jacobm ini have a sincere question related to macroevolution:.
microevolution happens on a small scale (within a single population), while macroevolution happens on a scale that transcends the boundaries of a single species.
despite their differences, evolution at both of these levels relies on the same, established mechanisms of evolutionary change:.
Coded Logic
Have scientists ever been able to recreate or virtually witness a Macroevolution type jump that "transcends the boundaries of a single species"?
I guess the first question we should ask is what would you consider to be "macroevolution" and what would you consider as being a "jump" or "transcendent"?
If you're having a hard time with the question it's probably because things like "micro-evolution" and "macro-evolution" are not scientific terms. They're not even defined at all. It's a bit like a creationist who asserts that animals can't be bred into a different "kinds". They're just hiding behind vague language so that no matter what evidence is provided they can always move the goal post further out.
However, "species" is a scientific term. It's any set of animals that are capable of producing viable offspring together. And "sub-species" is a group of animals that can mate but who do not usually interbreed in nature due to geographic isolation, sexual selection, or other factors.
For example, lions and tigers shared a common ancestor about two million years ago. But, due to geographic isolation (separation of Africa from Asia), the two populations were no longer able to breed and evolution went two separate directions. While they're different species their genetics are still very similar and they can be bred to produce Ligers - but those offspring are sterile. In a few more eons of genetic mutation and natural selection (aka evolution) the two populations wont be able to breed at all. All species are transient. There's no "final" form.
So the question is, at what point would you consider it "macro-evolution"? How different do lions and tigers have to be for us to consider it a "jump"?
I'll give you a good analogy for this. Both Italy and France have Latin speaking populations. But due to geographic and national separation the two populations started speaking differently. Over hundreds and hundreds of years, we ended up with the French and Italian languages. Both are Latin based - but are very different. So when did a Latin speaking mother give birth to a French speaking child?
We all know this is an absurd question. It was the entire accumulation of changes in words that made French a different language than Latin. There wasn't any single event or generation in which it happened. The same is true of evolution. And why the terms "micro-evolution" and "macro-evolution" are meaningless.
If you want to learn more on this I suggest you do a little research on Allele Frequencies. Here's a great starter video on the subject: this is helpful :)
More Ant-Evolution BS in this months JW Broadcast Program
by ttdtt inso at around the 46 min mark - the are talking to this guy from ukraine who was a zoologist.. he talks about how he was a staunch evolutionist (who wasn't able to prove evolution to himself, by the way).
then when he studied nature through the lens of evolution - he found that nature contradicted evolution.. his big point came when he said - "imagine emptying a box of letter blocks on a table, and the encyclopedia britannica appears, or could a computer program come by chance.
so who could dna come by chance.".
Coded Logic
Yes, because an encyclopedia and DNA are so much alike. Both are self replicating molecules that mutate and are subject to the pressures of natural selection . . . . . .
Hulu’s ‘The Path’ portrays family life inside a cult
by freemindfade invery interesting.
give this a read.
Coded Logic
Just watched the trailer. Looks good! Definitely going for the scientology angle. -
Can God do everything? Can he sin?
by James Mixon inreading this and it made me think, god cannot do everything.
god is holy and he cannot.
Coded Logic
Don anything? The God of the Bible can't even defeat with iron chariots!
"Now the LORD was with Judah, and they took possession of the hill country; but they could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley because they had iron chariots." (Judges 1:19)
Some thoughts on guilt.
by New day inhad an interesting conversation with my wife recently.
she struggles with physical, emotional and psychological problems which have often caused her to miss meetings.
she mentioned how she is equally tortured by guilt if she misses meetings and ministry, and severe stress if she does them.
Coded Logic
Hobson's Choice. Hadn't bumped into that one before. Nice little cognitive tool for addressing people presenting ultimatums as a "choice".
Choosing between a having a black car and having no car doesn't mean you have a choice of colors for your car.
So... Are they done printing the number of partakers?
by thedepressedsoul induring the wt study yesterday i had a confused look on my face the whole meeting.
more of a, wtf, face.
one paragraph says, "therefore,the number of partakers does not accurately indicate the number of anointed ones left on earth.".
Coded Logic
The number of partakers is not an accurate reflection of the number of anointed . . .
Yay, the WT finally got something right! Even if it's just them trying to and save face.
Anyone eat bunnies on Easter????
by James Mixon inwe eat turkey on thanksgiving why not rabbits on easter???
what's your traditional meal.
for easter??